Sandra Woods
Art despite pain

In the news

Had a lovely surprise this weekend, when I opened the Summer 2024 edition of the "CPS eNews", the quarterly update from the Canadian Pain Society (CPS).
I do quite a bit of volunteer work with the CPS as a Patient Partner - even serving on a few of their Committees & Sub-Committees, including the Art Awards Committee.
[I should mention that the CPS uses the term "Person with lived experience" (of pain) or PWLE, rather than Patient Partner, which can be confusing.]
This edition of the eNews features the inaugural "PWLE Corner", focusing on individuals living with chronic pain in Canada who make a difference through their advocacy and/or awareness activities.
I am truly honoured to be the first Patient Partner/PWLE featured in the eNews.
A few years ago, one of my watercolour paintings won the inaugural Art Awards of the Canadian Pain Society, so I'm touched that this feature mentions my Art Despite Pain initiative, and how I encourage "people living with pain to use art and creativity - practice or appreciation - as a tool for pain management."
Thank you so much, CPS!