Sandra Woods
Art despite pain

In the news

Montréal has a vibrant arts scene throughout the year, but during the spring and summer months the city hosts so many outdoor art and music events that it seems like a months-long festival.
As just a few examples, in May we host the World Musicians Festival (Festival des Musiciens du monde), and the weekly outdoor Piknic Électronik DJ concert series begins.
Into June it's the TransAmériques Festival of experimental choreography and dance, and the Montréal Fringe Festival showcasing more than 700 performers.
By mid-June it's the ten-day day, mostly outdoor and public, MURAL Festival celebrating urban art with building-sized exterior artworks, concerts, digital art installations, and techno-centric exhibitions.
Then the Montréal International Jazz Festival takes centre stage; the 44th edition will begin on June 27 and continue through July 4, 2024.
At the same time, the Mtl en Arts event transforms a huge swathe of the city into Eastern Canada’s largest open-air art gallery.
July brings Comiccon, the International African Nights Festival (Festival International Nuits d’Afrique) with performers from at least thirty countries, and the Taste of the Caribbean food festival.
The Fantasia International Film Festival, focusing on fantasy, horror, and sci-fi movies, begins in July and continues into August. And these are just a few of Montréal's spring and summer festivals.
As you might imagine, local art galleries are happy to join the buzz and often host special exhibitions during our warmest months.
So, with my three-month "Watercolours on Two Wheels" solo show wrapping up this coming Friday, I've been planning my submissions to some group exhibitions over the summer.
One of these is the Summer Show of Artists in Montréal, being presented this year at the BOA Art Gallery in the gorgeous Old Montréal historic district.
I've submitted two of my new experimental watercolours to this juried exhibition, as the gallery specializes in contemporary art.
This show will run from July 19 through 24, with a Vernissage from 1600 to 1900 on July 19, 2024, so wish me luck for my submission package!
One of the the watercolours I included in my submission was this one: "Hot & gritty day in the city (CN Tower), Toronto", with an additional description of: "Summer smog so thick, it's gritty; Toronto sunset".
With the summer solstice coming up on Thursday, this seems the perfect opportunity to wish you a good summer!