Sandra Woods
Art despite pain
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Abandoned stables

This is one of the many abandoned old farms within a short bike ride from my home, slowly falling into ruin. This one is within a nature park owned by the City of Montréal, and it's heartbreaking to me that these gorgeous old buildings are being left to collapse - at which point they're bulldozed. I'm trying to record many of these buildings, capturing them with pigment and paper, before they're lost forever.

Abandoned stables

This is one of the many abandoned old farms within a short bike ride from my home, slowly falling into ruin. This one is within a nature park owned by the City of Montréal, and it's heartbreaking to me that these gorgeous old buildings are being left to collapse - at which point they're bulldozed. I'm trying to record many of these buildings, capturing them with pigment and paper, before they're lost forever.